#Road Construction – Stages of road construction

In earlier blog we understand how roads are connected to our lives and what its impact to our economy is. To read on that please go to https://sanghicementarticle51.blogspot.com

Now let’s discuss on stages of the road construction by using asphalt. Roads to be constructed in several stages like clearing and excavation, mounting, fine grading, aggregate base and asphalt paving. 

Clearing and Excavation

This is the very first step for road construction. For smoothness of road it is necessary to eliminate each and every obstacles in road way so in clearing step all vegetation, trees or any other obstacle should be cleared. In excavation vehicles are dug up into the depth and remove rocks and stones from our roadway. To control this roads from any erosion it protects with fences, basins etc.


In this process with the help of bulldozers or any other plant excavation machinery soil and dirt are dug out. Surfaces are levelled and make it uniform by graders. To protect it from groundwater, sewage water concrete pipes to be laid.

Fine grading

In this stage surface of roads to be levelled as per plans. Labours and machineries required for digging process. It is stabilized with limestone or concrete.

Aggregate base

In this stage aggregate base is laid. Aggregate base is made of crushed stone or gravel. It is laid uniformly on the road surface and gutters will be constructed next below it if it is in town or city.

Asphalt Paving

After gravel is laid asphalt is poured. It is called bitumen. There are three types of asphalt mix. Cold mix, Hot mix and Warm mix. To meet with heavy traffic four layers should be placed. All necessary works like sewage system, sign board etc. should be placed before finishing of roads. Hot mix is transported in a truck and immediately laid to the surface.

In our next blog will understand about concrete roads.
To be continued…


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Blog written by
Shruti Doshi
Technical Officer – Sanghi Cement & Blogger

Blog Managed by
Nirav Pandya
Digital Marketing Officer – Sanghi Cement
