
Showing posts from April, 2020

#Road Construction – Stages of road construction

In earlier blog we understand how roads are connected to our lives and what its impact to our economy is. To read on that please go to Now let’s discuss on stages of the road construction by using asphalt. Roads to be constructed in several stages like clearing and excavation, mounting, fine grading, aggregate base and asphalt paving.   Clearing and Excavation This is the very first step for road construction. For smoothness of road it is necessary to eliminate each and every obstacles in road way so in clearing step all vegetation, trees or any other obstacle should be cleared. In excavation vehicles are dug up into the depth and remove rocks and stones from our roadway. To control this roads from any erosion it protects with fences, basins etc. Mounting In this process with the help of bulldozers or any other plant excavation machinery soil and dirt are dug out. Surfaces are levelled and make it uniform by grader